Fully Customizable Mouse Gesture Support in Slimjet

Slimjet includes support for fully customizable mouse gestures. What it does is that it lets you draw certain shapes with your mouse to perform certain actions instead of clicking on toolbar buttons or selecting menu items. The default mouse gesture mapping in Slimjet is shown below,

Gesture Action
Next Tab
Page Up
Previous Tab
Close all tabs
Page down
Close Tab
Go to top
Go to bottom
No action
No action
No action
No action
No action
No action
New Tab
Reopen closed tab

Default mouse gesture mapping in Slimjet

To invoke a mouse gesture, simply right click your mouse button, hold it and start dragging. Drag to draw the shape in the direction shown in the table above. For example, if you want to reopen closed tab, simply drag a line to the right side and drag it backwards to the left to create the pattern: . If you want to close all the tabs (), drag a line to the left bottom corner with a 45 degree angle and then release the mouse.

Best of all, the mouse gesture settings in Slimjet is fully customizable to suit the habits of different people. To customize mouse gesture settings, select "Settings" from the main menu and scroll down to the "Mouse gestures" section. Click the "Customize..." to customize the mouse gesture settings.

mouse gesture setting

Mouse gesture settings

customize mouse gesture

Mouse gesture customization dialog


If you need something to feel unique and proud as a Slimjet user, Slimjet is the only browser which supports 45-degree mouse gesture lines.